International Seminar «For the right to live in family and community. Put an end to the confinement of children without parental care»

International Seminar «For the right to live in family and community. Put an end to the confinement of children without parental care»


The Inter-American Children´s Institute supports the International Seminar «For the right to live in family and community. Put an end to the confinement of children without parental care «organized by RELAF.


The Red Latinoamericana de Acogimiento Familiar (RELAF) carries out this Seminar that “aims to strengthen the deinstitutionalization processes and promote similar ones in the region”.


During the activity the IIN will organize a workshop with experts on deinstitutionalization and right to the family, which will be preparatory for the next meeting to be held in Costa Rica in June.


The Seminar will be held on April 23, 24 and 25, 2019 in the City of Salvador de Bahía, Brazil.


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