II Edition of the Workshop «Healthy development in violence free environments»

II Edition of the Workshop «Healthy development in violence free environments»


With the aim of contributing to the process of reflection, training and awareness about how different forms of violence affect the development of children, during Early Childhood, the Network of Civil Society Organizations for Early Childhood, the National Secretaría Nacional de Niñez y Adolescencia (SNNA) Paraguay and the IINOAS, carry out the Second Edition of the Workshop «Healthy development in violence-free environments».


This activity is part of the global strategy «Sustainable Development Goals», which proposes in its 2030 agenda several goals that include the eradication of violence.


The workshop in which the exhibitions and panels were made, takes into account the systematization of the first edition, where strengths and challenges still pending were collected for the achievement of a happy childhood. It was emphasized the need to articulate and strengthen the instances of protection and promotion of the transformation of a culture of citizen commitment towards its population in the first ages. First Rapporteur


Date: June 1- 2, 2018

Place: Auditorium Hall of the Catholic University, Branch of Villarrica, Paraguay.

Program (Only Spanish)


*Miembros de la Red de OSC por la Primera Infancia: Fondo Cristiano Canadiense para la Niñez (CCFC), Enfoque Niñez, Fundación Teletón (Secretariado Ejecutivo) ADRA Paraguay, Asociación Santa Lucía, Corazones por la Infancia, Fundación ALDA, Fundación Alegría para la Educación, Fundación Dequeni, Fundación Primer Paso, Fundación Solidaridad, Fundación Vida Plena, Global Infancia, Investigación para el Desarrollo, Ludoteca Club Perler, Plan International-Paraguay, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE).