9th High-Level Cross-Regional Round Table on Violence Against Children

9th High-Level Cross-Regional Round Table on Violence Against Children


The Inter-American Children´s Institute in the 9th High-Level Cross-Regional Round Table on Violence Against Children, held on February 26, 27 and 28 in the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


The path traveled by the Institute, the lessons learned and successful experiences in the institutionalization of the participation of children in the highest level regional political forums were recognized by United Nations forum as one of the most important contributions to eradicate violence against children.


The Institute’s openness to forging new relationships with partners outside the region, such as the Council of Europe, We Protect, the African Union and the East African Community, was highlighted.


The role of the Institute in international bodies is taking a leading role in relation to the work carried out directly with the States.


The Institute’s participation in international forums establishes its role within and outside the region, building a politically strong base that allows technical progress with the endorsements of the highest global institutions for the promotion and protection of the rights of children.